Testimonials .

1. Advertisers

(applies to all visitors of Jumboads website, including our Publishers and Advertisers)

Compant name representatives are very professional and always address my questions and concerns, usually within an hour or so. There were also no problems in signing up with jumboads or corresponding with them.

2. Media Buyer

The guys from jumboads, with their knowledge, friendliness, and ongoing support made me feel strong and believe in Affiliate Marketing. Today, after almost 4 years of flawless cooperation, my income is satisfactory and set to grow even more!


3. Publisher

I highly recommend Affiliate Marketing as a source of extra income for publishers. Many thanks to jumboads for their ongoing help and support. Congratulations on your professionalism! Keep it up!


4. Affiliate Manager

I think that jumboads best assets are its people. I work with a great group of people who make coming to work a great pleasure. They are fun and upbeat and know how to get the job done while keeping the work environment enjoyable!.


5. Marketing Manager

Among the advantages of the affiliate, I can note regular payments, wide geo, and a variety of offers. Therefore, I work with jumboads.